SIGMA 1.0 // MAY '23
Welcome to SIGMA, Toronto’s latest premium auto detailer that specializes in the most current innovations and practices to take your vehicle to the next level in cleanliness and presentation. With this release, we are making our services available to the public as we continue to make refinements and explore content creation before a full live release. We are always eager to find ways to improve and understand the importance of communication in connecting with our clients. Going forward, we will provide regular updates regarding service changes and optimization as means of monitoring our progress and so that our audience can take part in our growth as the business evolves. SIGMA [1.0] marks our first major web release, with SIGMA [2.0] in the coming months to focus on service-related changes.
UI overhaul for clarity and ease of navigation
In our previous web versions, our website was not well optimized and only displayed basic information regarding our service pricing and contact information. This has been fully revamped to be both more engaging and simpler to use overall while providing more information and details in a manner that is much less overwhelming compared to earlier iterations. You now have the option to review our service information and pricings separately depending on familiarly, can request for quotes in accordance with your specific vehicles’ history, or may learn more about us and our practices in the respective company and FAQ pages. Direct booking and social links are now available across your viewing experience. -
Email confirmations fixed for bookings, quotes, and direct messages
Users were having challenges with our previous booking, quoting, and messaging system when creating submissions. Forms will now notify you if there are missing entries and upon submission you will receive a written text notification and an email confirmation to the address specified. -
Chat function fixed for offline hours
Our initial chat functions allowed automated responses that listed from our FAQs during offline hours. We observed including this function caused looping issues with the automations reiterating the same prompts while not accepting any user input. We have decided to remove such features and streamline to a more conventional messaging application in which you can leave a message with your contact information for us to follow-up with you once we are back online. -
Website optimized for window scaling and mobile viewing
Web elements have been resized and reorganized to allow the website to be viewed in virtually any view, orientation, or scale across all desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. More specifically, our service pricing tables and comparison charts are now tabbed or scrollable while all fonts have been reduced by 1% as the Webkit rendering engine for Sarfari/IOS tends to size differently causing page skews. -
SIGMA NXT section added
We wanted to create a designated section in which not only can viewers review our release notes over the coming months, but also visually track our growth and progress. A roadmap has been added for clients and fans alike to guide our service delivery and offerings and palpate interest in terms of what’s expected for the near future. While we anticipate the landscape of detailing as well as the nature of the business to be dynamic and everchanging, having regular and time specific milestones to work towards grounds us in achieving our vision to becoming one of the best detailers Toronto has the offer. By providing this transparency for the SIGMA community, we strongly believe it’ll create opportunities for feedback and partnerships that distinguish us from the crowd.